Many Paths, Many Answers

Many Paths, Many Answers


Hari Parameshwar



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About the Book: Many Paths Many Answers Have You Ever Tried To Evaluate The Worth of Your Life? Have You Ever Judged Your Life As Illusory, Mysterious Or Beautiful? While life can mostly be a journey of explorations or a simple ride for learning, it can sometimes be a voyage through miseries too. Dr. Hari Parameshwar, corporate spiritualist, yoga guru and a life coach, reveals the profundity of his thoughts-as well as his spiritual and mystical insights-through this brilliant collection of stories based on his encounters and experiences in life. This amazing collection of gems, picked up from the depths of human mind, go a long way in leading one to find simple answers for many mysteries that life beholds. At the same time, they depict new age philosophy and corporate spiritualism. Every story is psychic and emotional-yet rational-with a strong message, which in itself is unique in most of the cases. They reflect the conflict within-between the body, mind and real-self-as interpretations vary at different stages of life, as varies the thought process of human beings. The moods that they generate are found to swing frequently between emotional and spiritual. This extraordinary collection of stories will surely provoke your thought by questioning your own beliefs, and will inspire and help you to come out of your lows with a newfound vigor. About the Author: Hari Parameshwar Dr. Hari Kumar Parameshwar is a seasoned and versatile top management professional with an eventful career studded with brilliance in the areas of corporate management, airport planning, infrastructure development, people management, and organizational development. An Engineering graduate with an MBA in Operations Management, an M.Phil. in Human Resources and PhD in Business Administration, Hari is currently holding a senior management position in a reputed organization in Bangalore. He is part of management committees and sub-committees of various industrial bodies such as BCIC, CII, PMA, QCFI