Between You And Me

Between You And Me


Deepak Chawla



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Description :

From a calm and content life at the shores of Uttan – a native village on the outskirts of Mumbai, to extremely exhilarating and elating moments on the banks of River Thames in London, Jaydev Prabhu always chose to live life on his own terms. And when he joins one of Mumbai’s leading Real Estate Developers, life suddenly changes dramatically for many people... For Edward - a fierce loyalist who always ends up compromising and sacrificing his aspirations...Including love! For Kaajal – who is battling her husband’s critical illness, and would do anything for his sake… Just anything! For Shikha - a happy-go-lucky and gutsy woman, who lives life fearlessly… Even dangerously! For Aditi - Jaydev’s better half, who never comes in the way of Jaydev’s ambitions … And doesn’t even know them! As their priorities, convictions, compulsions, and beliefs get precariously entangled, none of them realize how and when life turns treacherously and irreversibly complicated. Until a series of most unexpected and unwanted happenings across Mumbai and London, shatters the delicate veil of several well guarded truths. But to protect the truth, some lies will have to be protected...Forever! A riveting and heart wrenching saga of truth, trust, love, and obsession, Between You and Me by Best Selling Author, Deepak Chawla, stirs up your mind, heart, and soul, like never before!