The World Of Psmith

The World Of Psmith


Pelham Grenville Wodehouse



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in these three glorious episodes, Psmith in the City, Psmith Journalist and Leave it to Psmith, we meet the usually well-heeled Psmith, making the best of tricky financial circumstances. He begins in a lowly position at the new Asiatic Bank and turns the world's most tedious job into a carnival. When Psmith travels to New York, he finds his metier as a journalist, and assists Bill Windsor in transforming Cosy Moments into a periodical that is anything but cosy. Finally, Psmith is enchanted by the lovely Miss Halliday. Following her to the magical madhouse that is Blandings Castle, he finds himself cast as a poet, cat-burglar and lover all at once. if there are antics afoot, you can bet that Psmith is slap bang in the middle of them.