Legendary Rulers Of India

Legendary Rulers Of India


Anant Pai



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History comes down to us through rulers and leaders it is they who carve out kingdoms and maintain them it is through their patronage of poet and historians that we learn of our past.the kingsand queens who are still remembered are thouse whose actions led to the composition of songs and stories the 8thcentury king of kashmir lalitaditya who was immortalised in the rajataangim of kalana. and thouse who documented their regin throught engravings as did ashoka, or in memorirs and biographies as did babur and akbar the rules of this collection have been chosen for the qualities that most endeared them to the people their justie their chivalry and their loyalty to their subjects some were cunning strategists in battlle others were empire builders endowed with the vision ang foresight to unite the people of an area into a new kingdom they also all had the ability to insprire ordinary people and galvanise them into action.