The Fall Of The Human Intellect

The Fall Of The Human Intellect


Avula Parthasarathy



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The Fall Of The Human Intellect by A Parthasarathy puts forward the idea that the humanity as a whole has ceased to think. The author says that the human mind is no longer able to think rationally or intellectually. According to the book, the human brain has a severe paucity of certain critical faculties such as reason, thought and judgement. The inability to think clearly and justifiably has rendered the human brain a waste. The author says that the educational systems prevalent today leave no scope for the student to develop his or her intellect. The system is such that the student is only encouraged to gain more and more knowledge and intelligence without honing his or her understanding of it. Everywhere in the world, there is intelligence with no intellect. This loss of this important factor has led to various anomalies such as depression, stress and disease. Other dangerous effects are militancy, vandalism and terrorism. To counter this problem, the book says, humans now need to restructure themselves and re-establish their lost intellect. The Fall Of The Human Intellect is available in paperback. The book was published by Vedanta Cultural Foundation USA Inc. in 2007.