The Battlefield Of Kurukshetra

The Battlefield Of Kurukshetra


Anant Pai



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Description :

In the time of the Dwapar Yuga (epoch) marked by the Krishna Avatar (Incarnation), some 5,000 years ago, the Mahabharata War has just ended. The great Indian battle between the Pandavas and the Kauravas, cousins by relation, was driven into a nationwide war because of the selfish and arrogant disposition of Duryodhan, eldest of the Kaurava brothers. Bhisma, the great sire of the two warring parties, is laying in the battlefield, wounded by hundreds of arrows shot by Arjuna, one of the Pandava brothers. The Pandavas have won the war, but Yudhishthir, the eldest Pandava brother, is grieving due to the great human tragedy. He goes to Bhisma (at Kurukshetra, near modern-day New Delhi), seeking solace from the wise Bhishma, his great grand uncle. The Battlefield Kurukshetra book is fundamentally a dialogue between Bhishma and Yudhishthir about the origin and effect of wars, and possible ways to prevent them. It is a verse translation of the Hindi poetic work (