Kill The Messenger

Kill The Messenger


Tami Hoag



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Description :

At the end of long, hard day battling LA street traffic, bike messenger Jace Damon is called on to make one last pick-up at a sleazy defence attorney's office - Leonard Lowell. Jace is tired, stressed and needs to get home to check up on his little brother who he's single-handedly bringing up. He makes the pick-up, but the delivery address turns out to be a vacant lot, a car tries to run him down and Jace only just escapes. He arrives back at Lowell's office to find it trashed, Lowell dead and himself the prime suspect. Jace is forced to elude both the police and the men who want him dead while he attempts to find evidence with which to clear his name. He also has to try to keep Ty, his brother, safe from someone prepared to kill...