Natasha Mehra Must Die

Natasha Mehra Must Die


Anand Sivakumaran



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Description :

A 14-year-old girl is butchered in a high school shooting. A 72-year-old woman is throttled at home. A 7-year-old child is crushed into the concrete by a trash dumper. The only thing common between all of them: their name. Someone is slaughtering every woman, girl, and child named Natasha Mehra . . . Which is what Natasha Mehra, the most unpopular girl on campus, discovers. Though she' s always hated her name, she would' ve never imagined that it would be the reason she would be on the run from a gruesome death. But these murders aren' t random acts of madness. Rather, they are part of a conspiracy hatched by the Kul, an all-powerful secret organisation with tentacles everywhere. And the success or failure of this 2000-year-old mission will determine the future of humankind . . .