Uncle Fred

Uncle Fred


Pelham Grenville Wodehouse



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ýWitty and effortlessly fluid. His books are laugh-out-loud funny.ýýArabella Weir Three sparkling volumes featuring that most effervescent of peers, Trederick, fifth Earl of Ickenham Perhaps it is due to the fact that his wife Jane keeps a watchful eye on him for much of the time, but when Lord Ickenham breaks free he becomes pure dynamite and bumps-a-daisy as billy-o. These three stories, ýUncle Fred in the Springtimeý, ýUncle Dynamiteý and ýCocktail Timeý, will vouch for that. Foiling a plot to relieve Lord Emsworth of his beloved prize pig, the Empress; arranging a little match-making for his love-lorn nephew Pongo Twistleton; knocking off Sir Raymond Bastableýs topper with a Brazil nut: there really are, as Uncle Fred himself admits, ýno limits, literally none, to what I can accomplish in the springtimeý.