Keepers Of The Kalachakra

Keepers Of The Kalachakra


Ashwin Sanghi



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Keepers of the Kalachakrap>A seemingly random selection of heads of state are struck down like flies by unnamed killers who work with the clinical efficiency of butchers. Except that they leave no trace of their methods. Welcome back to the shadowy and addictive world of Ashwin Sanghi. After The Rozabal Line, Chanakya’s Chant, The Krishna Key and The Sialkot Saga, Ashwin Sanghi returns at last with another quietly fearsome tale—this time of men who guard the ‘Kalachakra’ or The Wheel of Time. Sanghi describes a world of people at war with one another—a boomeranging conflict of faiths that results in acts of such slow and planned human cruelty that they defy human imagination. Caught in the midst of this madness is Vijay Sundaram, a geek scientist who is only dimly aware that the wider sky outside his laboratory is stretched taut and close to being torn apart by forces that he wants simply to have nothing to do with. But events conspire to propel Vijay into the labyrinth of Milesian Labs, a centre of research deep in the forested hills of Uttarakhand. What he stumbles upon is a primordial clue to a galactic secret that could accelerate the downward spiral of humankind. Trapped and wholly unaware of his actual foe, Vijay races against time to save humanity—and himself. Zigzagging from Rama’s crossing to Lanka to the birth of Buddhism; from the origin of Wahhabism to the Einsteinian gravitational wave-detectors of LIGO; from the charnel-grounds of naked tantric practitioners to the bespoke suits of the Oval Office; and from the rites of Minerva, shrouded in frankincense, to the smoke-darkened ruins of Nalanda, Keepers of the Kalachakra is a journey that will have you gasping for breath—but one that you cannot abandon till all the pieces of the jigsaw come together. Till you come up gobsmack against an end that you simply did not see coming. Chanakya's Chantp> Based on the principles and story of the legendry Chanakya, the book, 'Chanakya's Chant’ presents a gripping tale of wisdom, wit and mind boggling political strategies. The novel has two parts. In the first part, it takes readers to ancient India where a simple but extraordinarily smart Brahmin helps an Indian ruler to combat 'Alexander, the great'; while the second half is set in contemporary India. This book is written by famous historical fiction author Ashwin Sanghi who is known for his minute detailing and charming story telling style. It is published by Westland publication and within two months, it became an Indian national bestseller. This book received the 2010 Vodafone-Crossword Popular Choice Award. India during 340 BC was a land divided between numerous regional rulers who had limited power and were no match for their foreign counterparts. Alexander the great, in his quest of conquering the world, reaches the Indian frontier and the Indian rulers are set to bend their knees in front of this great ruler. However, one ruler, Chandragupta Maurya provides resistance and is successful in stopping Alexander’s invasion and establishes the mighty Mauryan Dynasty. How did the petty ruler with a tiny kingdom pulled off a victory against Alexander? It is the brain of Chankaya, the smart political strategist which helps Chandragupta in his conquest. Chankaya with his shrewd tactics and unbelievable brilliance becomes the most powerful political strategist the land had ever seen. They say that history repeats itself and now, Chankaya is born again, two and a half millennia later in modern India as Gangasagar Mishra. Being a Brahmin teacher, he has the same dream to become the most powerful person of this country. However, this time his challenges are bigger than before. India has adopted a democratic system but Gangasagar Mishra is optimistic of conning the system through greed, corruption, venality and sexual deviance. On his side is an ambitious, beautiful and a powerful slum child. Will Chankaya be successful this time? About the author Ashwin Sanghi is an Indian author known for his historical fiction thrillers. He completed his MBA from the Yale School of Management and was a part of his family business for several years before beginning his writing career. His books have got wide acclaim and he has won numerous awards. Forbes India has included him in their Celebrity 100 list. Some of his other books include The Rozabal Line and The Krishna Key. The book is available online for convenient shopping. You can bag this book from A today by following a few easy steps. The Krishna Keyp>Five thousand years ago, there came to earth a magical being called Krishna, who brought about innumerable miracles for the good of mankind. Humanity despaired of its fate if the Blue God were to die but was reassured that he would return in a fresh avatar when needed in the eventual Dark Age - the Kaliyug. In modern times, a poor little rich boy grows up believing that he is that final avatar. Only, he is a serial killer. In this heart stopping tale, the arrival of a murderer who executes his gruesome and brilliantly thought-out schemes in the name of God is the first clue to a sinister conspiracy to expose an ancient secret - Krishna’s priceless legacy to mankind. Historian Ravi Mohan Saini must breathlessly dash from the submerged remains of Dwarka and the mysterious lingam of Somnath to the icy heights of Mount Kailash, in a quest to discover the cryptic location of Krishna’s most prized possession. From the sand washed ruins of Kalibangan to a Vrindavan temple destroyed by Aurangzeb, Saini must also delve into antiquity to prevent a gross miscarriage of justice. From the bestselling author of ‘The Rozabal Line’ and ‘Chanakya’s Chant’ comes yet another exhaustively researched whopper of a plot, which provides an incredible alternative interpretation of the Vedic Age that will be relished by conspiracy buffs and thriller addicts alike. Ashwin Sanghi and Amish Tripathi are considered to be the frontrunners in historical and mythological retelling. This book is part of that trend. Read more