Collected Works Of Kahlil Gibran

Collected Works Of Kahlil Gibran


Kahlil Gibran



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And think not you can direct the course of love, for love, if it finds you worthy, directs your course." From social issues to human concerns; from the tragedy and power of love to the longings of the soul; from good and evil to crime and punishment; from happiness and sorrow to life and death; from inner beauty to dreams and mysticism; Kahlil Gibran's poems, parables, aphorisms, and stories are a source of timeless wisdom. This book is a priceless collection of some of his most notable works including The Prophet, The Wanderer, The Madman, and The Broken Wings. The third best-selling poet of all time after Shakespeare and Lao-Tzu, Gibran continues to enlighten his readers through his celebrated works.