Things End But Memories Last Forever

Things End But Memories Last Forever


Kumar Milan



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One often meets his destiny on the road he takes to avoid it… have you ever: been in true love? Not love at first sight but love at every sight? Met the love of your life after 4 years only to lose her again? Faced a Psycho stalker? Messed with family of cops? Get caught boozing by none other than your mother on your own birthday? Well, if this excites you even a bit, this would be an enthralling read for you. Things end but memories last forever. The book tells the real life bitter-sweet incidents and discloses a candid narration by a mad, love struck and bemused guy, Abhi, who confesses about every last details of his past life to his best friend after a near death escape in a car accident. The tale of his first love Nikita, and much more. As time goes on, you’ll understand. What lasts, lasts; what doesn't, doesn’t. We are habituated to miss those people the most, who left us for no reason….