Pinnacle Point

Pinnacle Point


Siddharth Panvalkar



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Description :

When Amit clears his Chartered Accountancy exams (CA) and joins a startup, he knew, that he would have his fair share of highs and lows as the work culture in a startup is so different from that of an established organization. However, when the systems and security of his startup are compromised to launce a bioterrorism attack, a first of its kind in India, he knew that his work's cut out. He will have to stand up and face his enemy, that not only killed his father but also did the dastardly act of launching a bioterrorism attack across his beloved country. Were these two acts linked? Why would anyone target him so mercilessly? Has he faced betrayal from someone he trusts immensely? Will Amit with the help of Jack and Ria, the dashing detective duo be able to piece together this jigsaw puzzle? THE RACE IS ON & THE CLOCK'S TICKING!!!