Return Of The Trojan Horse Tales Of Criminal Investigation

Return Of The Trojan Horse Tales Of Criminal Investigation


Amit Dubey



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Amit, don’t waste your time; you can’t hack my system. But we will hack your country! Ameen They know me! This wasn’t good. The greatest fear a hacker has is having his identity revealed. During investigative operations I always guarded my identity like the Kohinoor diamond. Then how could they have reached me? It was a-l-m-o-s-t impossible. • A young software engineer who, as a hobby, starts helping the Police in solving criminal cases, turns into a critical resource for the Force. He becomes entrapped in the system. • Return Of The Trojan is the riveting narration of how he is compelled to draw inputs from his personal life, and use sharp thinking and advanced technology to solve the criminal cases he is brought into. • Based on real life, the book reveals the next generation methodologies used in crime investigation. • Impossible to put down.