


Ketan Bhagat



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God comes in every house in the form of a child. Naked, helpless and ignorant, newborns arrive happy. Full of smiles and love, every child in unique and perfect. Their well dressed, independent and educated parents are frustrated and bitter. All adults are the same. Imperfect. Yet, grown ups teach children. The stressed mentor the stress free. The unhappy correct the happy. The confused guide the wise. Welcome the world of raghav malhotra a typical mnc drone. Haunted by a guilty past, our common man struggles to serve a thankless spouse, a condescending family and a ruthless boss. Inevitably, raghav s life collapses like a house of cards. Violence, whores, alcohol and drugs follow. Till god arrives himself. You ve read many stories about motherhood transforming a woman. Now, follow raghav on his self enlightenment journey through the joys of fatherhood. Child/god is a riveting story of thirty five year old disciple learning the meaning of life from his six month old guru. Discover how raghav s living god transforms his life and yours.