Case Studies On Marketing Innovation And Strategy

Case Studies On Marketing Innovation And Strategy


As Sisodiya



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About the Book: Case Studies on Marketing, Innovation and Strategy Ever since 'innovation' became a part of the corporate lexicon, businesses across the globe have tried to make it a part of their culture; while some like 3M, Unilever and GE have had great successes, a number of others have either failed to do it or have not met with much success. Yet there is no denying the fact that today, more than ever before, innovation remains a key differentiator for firms striving to stay competitive, more importantly, stay ahead. While Indian companies have a lot of catching up to do in comparison to their counterparts in the developed countries like the US and UK, successes like Tata's Nano, the world's cheapest car, Jain Irrigation System's ground-breaking 'drip irrigation,' technology, an innovative technology which the Company claims, 'has resulted in water savings equal to the annual water consumption of more than 10 million households,' have signaled the arrival of Indian innovators in the world arena in a significant way. While the so-called 'old economy' innovators are making India proud, phenomenal successes of new-economy enterprises like Dishtv, and have shown that by adopting innovative business models, Indian firms can match up to even the best in the world on the World Wide Web too. The book,"Case Studies on Marketing, Innovation and Strategy,' offers insights from success stories of some of these innovation-driven firms, the challenges they faced and how they overcame them in their journey toward achieving excellence. Besides, the book also covers cases on marketing excellence and strategy including firms such as Cadbury India's Oreo's successful penetration in the fiercely competitive biscuit market in the country, Maruti Suzuki, India's largest car maker, which recently suffered its worst labor strike but resolved it successfully and Kingfisher Airlines, which is battling for survival. These cases would provide b-school students with