You Were My Crush!

You Were My Crush!


Durjoy Datta



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Description :

You Were My Crush!: Till You Said You Love Me! is a novel, available in paperback, which revolves around the story of a guy and his relationship with different people. It describes his encounter with friendship, love and relationships. The protagonist of the story is Benoy Roy, who is the son of a rich and powerful man. He's nerdy and lives a carefree life because of all the materialistic comforts he enjoys provided by his wealthy father. Amidst this fun life, Benoy's mother passes away from cancer. This creates a tensed atmosphere in the house, which gradually strains his relationship with his father. With time, Benoy's father hardly plays any role in his life and is almost non-existent. Soon his uneventful life sees some movement when he becomes friends with his classmate, Diya. Benoy is attracted to Diya's sister, Shaina, when he comes across her profile on Facebook, while adding Diya. You Were My Crush! describes their meeting and how they fall in love with each other. You Were My Crush!: Till You Said You Love Me! was published on 22nd September, 2011. The novel also describes how a kiss between Benoy and Shaina leads to a break-up in their commitment. It expresses the changes seen in Benoy's life and stresses upon the importance of family and parent-child bonding along with love and friendship. Key Features: This book was on the third spot of the Hindustan Times Bestseller List. Read more