I, Romantic

I, Romantic


Rajeev Jhaveri



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Description :

Sometimes if you are lucky, you meet someone who makes you rise above yourself, makes you see unseen images; opens up windows for you. And when you look out of that window you see a dream and follow it. Years go by and the dream becomes a reality. That is when you realise that you have forgotten the one person who started you on your way. ‘I, Romantic’ is a coming of age story of Avinash Rai as he unwittingly falls in love with a bespeckled fiery film student. His love for her unleashes a world of untold promises: a world of Hayden’s symphonies, Yehoshua’s poems and Einstein’s prose. As the achterbahn gains momentum, we see how Avi transforms from a naive soldier to a patriotic war machine and to finally, a soldier of dissent !