The Goal Ii

The Goal Ii


Eliyahu M. Goldratt



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The Goal: v. 2 is a narrative of how Alex uses the theory of constraints in marketing, sales, and business strategy, to his benefit. Alex is content, with his team of associates in place, the future seems exciting and certain. That is until, a shift in policy causes the board of directors to decide to sell all three companies. Alex is tasked with improving the standards of all three companies, to ensure a good sale. This situation puts him in a sadistic dilemma. If he succeeds at the task assigned to him, the company will be sold at a good price, if he fails, the company will be sold anyway. Both scenarios end with him losing his job. Additionally, he has to deal with the challenges that come with raising two teenage children. This book was published by Productivity & Quality Publishing Pvt. Ltd in 2009 and is available in paperback.