This Is All I Have To Say

This Is All I Have To Say


Swapan Seth



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This is a small book of life s big and not-so-big lessons. Written from the heart, these nuggets of personal insights will resonate with just about anyone who has experienced and questioned universal conundrums such as marriage, love, failure, parenting, passion, ambition, or money... A relook at everyday wisdom and learning that we all very often take for granted. An extravagant wealth of profound reflections sparingly expressed Sir Martin Sorrell A lyrical guide to life accessible, uncensored, and honest. If only we all thought so clearly... Fatima Bhutto This is free verse from a free mind, liberated by indifference to conventional rewards and knitted to values and emotions that make life such a unique arc between the accident of birth and the certainty of death MJ Akbar The stuff every parent would love to tell his children Tarun Tejpal I have known Swapan ever since he was born. He is a compelling advertising writer with unique consumer Show more