High-performance Consulting Skills

High-performance Consulting Skills


Mark Thomas



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This goldmine of ideas, advice and techniques provides a practical understanding of the skills required to become a high-performance ‘internal consultant’, whatever your own area of expertise. As today’s managers in support functions seek to redefine their role and effectiveness, the concept of the ‘internal consultant’ is gaining considerable ground. By moving your perspective from being a ‘colleague’ to a ‘client’ within the business you can bring major benefits to both yourself and your organisation. Including a large number of charts, diagrams and forms and using his considerable experience, Mark Thomas provides a practical understanding of the skills required to become a high-performance internal consultant. This book is packed full of hard-edged practical tips, techniques and checklists to help you achieve the right results. With in-depth guidance and practical insights, this book will help you: Develop stronger, more productive working relationships with internal clients Secure greater internal client commitment to initiatives and change projects Work effectively in a less formal and hierarchical way on projects and initiatives Market your services and build powerful internal networks Enhance your own worth and value to the organisation All managers working in support functions, such as HR, audit, training, personnel and IT, as well as areas such as finance and marketing will benefit from this book. A high percentage of the content is also directly applicable to the role of the external consultant. 'A highly practical and valuable guide to the world of internal consulting by a global practitioner. Mark Thomas has produced a book that is filled with excellent advice, tips and real experience. It should serve as a real aid to all who want to succeed in the rapidly growing role of the internal consultant.' Bie de Graeve, Director MBA Programs, Tias business School, Tilburg University, The Netherlands ‘If you want a book that you can use on an almost daily basis then this is it … the skills outlined in this book can increase your influence and impact from the first reading. Written in the pragmatic style and approach that is characteristic of his consulting work, Thomas has produced a real guide to the new frontier of internal consulting.’ Gordon Downey, Senior Manager – HR Internal Consultancy, Lloyds TSB ‘Mark Thomas is a consultant from whom we can all learn about managing change initiatives, projects and clients. In this book he sets out an agenda that will appeal to all types of professionals. Read it and benefit from real ideas, skills and know-how. For HR people these are the skills of today and the future.’ Esra Bozkurt, HR Director, DHL