Brimster Tales

Brimster Tales


James Miller



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Brimster is so far off the beaten track that news of what happens there hardly ever makes it to the pages of the Scottish press. Then one day some unkind soul makes public a photograph of Brimster's hard-working, long-serving councillor, Magnus Stroup, taken during a fact-finding mission to Amsterdam. This, however, is only one of the odd things that take place in this far-flung rural Caithness community. For example, what is the explanation of the boot still containing a human foot that is found in a wheelie bin? And how does Miss Sarah Job's cat uncover the suave Mr Clove's secret? And how did a hay bale cause serious injury to a young crofter? And did Owld Toftie really leave behind a fortune to his warring descendants - and can Sinclair Cattach find it first? And what is the secret of the Holy Well? For answers to these and many more questions you never thought to ask, read The Brimster Saga. This is the first appearance in book form of a popular long-running serial from the Caithness weekly paper, the John o'Groat Journal.