Be As You Are

Be As You Are


David Godman



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The Ultimate Truth Is So Simple. The Simple Message Of Sri Ramana Maharishi, One Of India S Most Revered Spiritual Masters, Whose Teachings, Forty Years After His Death, Are Speaking To Growing Audiences Worldwide. Be As You Are, Edited By The Librarian At The Sage S Ashram-Still Flourishing-At The Foot Of The Holy Mountain Of Arunachala, Is A Compendium Of Those Riches As Bequeathed Personally To Pilgrims Hungry To Discover What Is The Ultimate Truth . Nothing More Than Being In The Pristine State. That Is All That Need Be Said, Declared Sri Ramana. Indeed It Is Claimed That His Highest Teachings, To Those Capable Of Receiving Them, Consisted Of Nothing But Silence During Which He Transmitted A Silent Flow Of Power Enabling Individuals To Experience, Directly, What He Meant By Enlightenment. This Book Is For Those Of Us Who Would Remain Perplexed, But Enriched By The Silence.