Blue Man Falling

Blue Man Falling


Frank Barnard



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Description :

This is a thrilling novel about World War Two fighter pilots during The Battle of France in 1939-40. When war was declared on 3 September 1939, No. 1 Squadron was posted to France to help the BEF halt the German advance. The Squadron is hardy, intensely loyal, and at the beginning of the campaign, hugely successful in shooting down German planes when they are often outnumbered. Then the offensive begins in earnest, the losses mount and the horror of the retreat to Dunkirk gives a whole new meaning to the concept of total war. Told through the experiences of an English pilot, Kit Curtis, who dreams of gallant deeds and personal glory, and a more battle hardened American, Ossie Wolf, this is `Band of Brothers` for the RAF, a no-holds-barred, action packed war thriller.