One Day In May

One Day In May


Catherine Alliott



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Description :

Single mother Hattie has plenty of reasons to be happy with her life. Her antiques business is flourishing, her teenage son is settled at boarding school and she's enjoying a fling with a younger, very sexy man. But all that changes one fine day in May when Hattie's job takes her back to the idyllic village of Lower Hamble and painful memories of her first love - Dominic Forbes, the married politician she worked for many years ago, the man who changed the course of her life - come flooding back... Things come to a head when Hattie bumps into Dominic's widow and his gorgeous older brother, Hal, in the village and she finds her world turned upside down. Will Hattie come clean about what really happened with Dominic all those years ago? And, if she does, is she ready to face the consequences? Whatever happens, Hattie comes to realize that you can't keep running from your mistakes. It's time to move on and maybe, just maybe, let herself fall in love again......