Numbered Account

Numbered Account


Christopher Reich



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Description :

Former U.S. marine and Harvard Business School graduate Nicholas Neumann seems to have it all: a dream job, a beautiful fiancee, a future bright with promise. But beneath the dazzling veneer of this golden boy is a man haunted by the brutal killing of his father seventeen years before. And when new evidence implicates the venerable United Swiss Bank in the crime, Nick finds himself willing to do whatever it takes to uncover the truth. Leaving behind everything he holds dear, Nick takes a job in Zurich with the United Swiss Bank, and is soon plunged into a world where everything - loyalty, power, even life and death - can be bought and sold for the right price. As the secrets of the venerable bank are laid bare, suddenly Nick knows far too much - about the offer he never should have accepted, about the money he never should have handled, about the woman he never should have loved.