Zero Day

Zero Day


David Baldacci



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Description :

War hero John Puller is known to be the top investigator in the US Army's CID. So when a family with military connections is brutally murdered in a remote area of West Virginia, Puller is called in to investigate, and soon suspects the case has wider implications. As the body count rises he teams up with local homicide detective Samantha Cole. When the web of deceitis reveated. it quickly becomes apparent that there's much more to this case than they had first thought. It is an investigation where nothing is as it seems, and nothing can be taken at face value. When Puller and Cole discover a dangerous situation in the making. Puller finds he must turn to the one person who can help avert certain catastrophe. A person he has known all his life. In a breathtaking roller-coaster race against time, Cole fears for the community in which she was raised, and Puller knows he has to overcome the enemies of his country to avoid far-reaching disaster.