The Sixth Man

The Sixth Man


David Baldacci



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Description :

When alleged serial killer Edgar Roy is locked away in Cutter's Rock psychiatric unit, private investigators Sean King and Michelle Maxwell are called in by Roy's lawyer, Ted Bergin, to examine the case further. But the investigation is derailed before it begins when Bergin is found murdered in his car on the highway.A sinister trail of terrifying events begins to unfold as King and Maxwell attempt to hme Roy's guilt or innocence. When the FBI become involved, it fast becomes That there's much more to this case than meets the eye. As they dig deeper into and learn about his phenomenal ability. they are bombarded with obstacles. harr-truths and dead-ends which make filtering the facts all the more difficult.As each new theory brings a new revelation, King and Maxwell are pushed to the limit. Could this be the case which leaves the duo permanently parted?