Hold My Hand

Hold My Hand


Durjoy Datta



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Description :

...The rest shall follow Deep, an awkward young man obsessed with libraries and books, has his dream come true when he is sent to Hong Kong on an internship programme. Leaving behind jealous but encouraging friends, a supportive father and a hysterical, overprotective mother, Deep makes his first flight to a foreign land. And then he sees her, Ahana, a stunningly beautiful girl. But Deep also has to come to terms with another reality: Ahana is blind. Together they explore Hong Kong, Ahana guiding them with the smells and sounds of the wonderous city and Deep bringing to life for her the delightful sights he sees. They're living a dream, till Aveek, her gorgeous ex-boyfriend comes back into her life. "Hold My Hand" is a delightful, young romance with a surprise ending."