


L. Stafford Betty



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An epic tale of passion, heroism and faith Did St Thomas the apostle really come to India as a missionary in the first century AD? Legend has it that he didýbut historians cannot be sure. Betty's grand and picturesque novel picks up Thomas's story from where historians must leave off. After the crucifixion, the fictionalized Thomas embarks on a voyage to India, which he believes is a land of demons and sodomites, to spread the message of Christianity. Soon he meets Kumaran, a Tamilian pulaiyar poet, who is on his way back home after roaming the world. Alighting in what is now Kerala, Thomas and Kumaran travel together, as Thomas quests for converts and Kumaran for poetic fame. Their adventures range from involvement in court debaucheries to participation in philosophical debates. While Kumaran tries to save his beloved from death by Sati, Thomas attempts to work miracles for his Christian flock; Kumaran teaches Thomas Tamil so that he can preach to the local people, and Thomas, in return, helps Kumaran build a Hindu temple. Trying desperately to adjust his Christian faith to fit his new surroundings, Thomas begins to love India and its way of life. In Queen Adimanti of Puhar, he finds a friend, companion and disciple after his heart. But then, temptation and treachery take their toll and Thomas is accused of adultery and sentenced to death by the jealous King Karikal. Can Kumaran save him yet again, or will Thomas die a martyr in a faraway heathen land? A magnificent historical novel, sensuous yet cerebral, Thomas is a tour de force of the imagination.