A Suitable Boy

A Suitable Boy


Vikram Seth



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Description :

A Suitable Boy is a novel that is set in post-independence India, where a certain Mrs. Rupa Mehra tries her level best to find an ideal suitor for her nineteen-year-old daughter named Lata. Lata is an extremely independent college girl, who is determined to avoid being pressurized by her mother and her brother, Arun. The story spans over a period of eighteen months and includes four families. The story shows just how Lata deals with her three suitors, namely Karan, Haresh and Amit. The book also speaks out about various issues that people faced in post-independent India, which include the abolition of the zamindari system, the intense Hindu-Muslim strife, empowerment of Muslim women and land reforms. It is divided into 19 parts and is 1349-pages in length. Each of these nineteen parts focuses on a different story, which then goes back and forth, interrelating the stories. The first part of the story focuses on Lata's life, while the second features Maan Kapoor and is about a courtesan. The third story is about Lata, the fourth is about Haresh, The fifth is concerning the political scene at Brahmpur and so on. Every part of this book is spoken about with the help of a rhyming couplet, which is on the contents page. A Suitable Boy has been published by Penguin India, in the year 2009 and is available in paperback. Key Features