Partners In Crime

Partners In Crime


Agatha Christie



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Description :

Two of Christie's most adventurous sleuths adopt the methods and manners of every major literary detective, from Hercule Poirot to Sherlock Holmes, to piece together a complex series of delightfully different--and deadly--misdeeds. In this ahilarious burlesque of detective fictiona ("New York Times"), Tommy and Tuppence Beresford adopt the methods and manners of every major literary detective from Hercule Poirot to Sherlock Holmes to piece together an increasingly complex series of delightfully differentaand deadlyamisdeeds. Two of Christie's most adventurous sleuths adopt the methods and manners of every major literary detective, from Hercule Poirot to Sherlock Holmes, to piece together a complex series of delightfully different--and deadly--misdeeds. In this ahilarious burlesque of detective fictiona ("New York Times"), Tommy and Tuppence Beresford adopt the methods and manners of every major literary detective from Hercule Poirot to Sherlock Holmes to piece together an increasingly complex series of delightfully differentaand deadlyamisdeeds.