The Ant And The Elephant

The Ant And The Elephant


Vince Posecente



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Description :

The Ant and the Elephant is an entertaining parable to help you unleash the massive power of human potential. It's goal is to demonstrate how we can unite the powerful forces of conscious and subconscious thought to reach our peak performance levels as individuals and as leaders. In this book, renowned business consultant and Olympian, Vincent Poscente, weaves a cleaver parable around profound concepts that can have an immediate impact on your life and the life of those around you. Using a mix of wit and wisdom, Poscente shows us how to focus on and re-direct our subconscious mind in order to accomplish the goals we strive to achieve. In order to explain the relationship between the conscious and sub-conscious mind in an entertaining fashion, Poscente uses the story of Adir the ant and Elgo the Elephant. The story itself is fun to read, and the wisdom he wishes to impart is woven into the story. There is a pause after each chapter, with bullet points to to help you understand the principles covered within the chapter and realize how they apply to you and how they can transform your life.