The Murmur Of Stones

The Murmur Of Stones


Thomas H. Cook



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Brilliant and intense, Diana grew up caring for her schizophrenic father, and when her own son, Jason, is diagnosed as suffering from the same affliction, she devotes herself to the quietly heroic responsibility of caring for a child who will never be ordinary - a fact that Mark, her husband, finds hard to accept.When Diana leaves Jason alone with his father for just a few hours and on her return finds her son has drowned, she just can't believe the coroner's conclusion that her son's death was accidental. As she throws herself into building a case against her husband, she turns to her brother, David, and his family for support. And as the seductive qualities of Diana's manic energy become impossible to ignore, David has reason to fear for his own daughter's safety and sanity.With the suspense and insight for which Thomas H. Cook is so acclaimed, The Murmur of Stones is a gripping tale of secrets, lies and fate.