When You Became My Life

When You Became My Life


Anshul Sharma



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Description :

Neev’s life is marked with castastrophes; after losing his parents and almost everything he owned, he finds refuge with his friend Aadi in Agra. Living with an old friend in a new house, busy with a new job in a new environment revives him, somewhat. And then, life happens. As he bumps into love and tries to keep running away from it, love follows him as Aashi – a small-town girl with larger than life aspirations and a novel dream. Neev sets out to fulfil her dream, but he has to pay a coast for it. Either love, or life. What will he choose to let go? When You Became My Life is a story spun by destiny. It is a story of a young boy who takes it upon himself to defeat all odds and be one with love