Joker In The Pack

Joker In The Pack


Ritesh Sharma



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Description :

This is a story of dreaming the great Indian middle class dream, and of life shaped - accidentally or by design, only God knows - by the great Indian middle class values.The joyride begins in the lap of two favourite pastimes of the nation - cricket and television - and after some shattered dreams, leads to the hallowed precincts of the venerated IIMs. It is a story of the life at the IIMs, and of life beyond. It is a story of how to play the IIM game successfully and beat the super distillation system refined by the IIMs to separate the chaff from the grain, the also-rans from the super achievers.The story has bit of raw truth. It is also tongue-in-cheek. It is designed to whet the appetite of those aspiring. It will evoke nostalgia amongst the alumni; it will also anger a few.Read will either love it, or hate it, but will find it difficult to put down.It features bookmarks (available on request from publisher).