Creating The Healthy Organisation: Well Being, Diversity And Ethics At Work

Creating The Healthy Organisation: Well Being, Diversity And Ethics At Work


Creating The Healthy Organisation



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Description :

This introductory text focuses on exploring the impact ofwork organization on individual employees, groups and the wider community.Arguing that the creation of working environments which promote positive wellbeing, eliminate unfair discrimination and promote socially and environmentallyresponsible behavior is the key to long term sustainability, it is relevant toall those who are involved in maintaining a policy of good human relations whileachieving competitive success. Creating The Healthy Organisation introduces the most important psychological theories when considering what is meantby a 'healthy organization'. It includes advice on how to promote equalopportunities, how to cope with and remove sources of stress, how to improve anorganization's ecological image and how to make the workforce feel more valued.The book considers the different levels at which an organization can have animpact; on the individual, groups which are discriminated against and society ingeneral.