The Ramayana For Children

The Ramayana For Children


Bulbul Sharma



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One of the best-known epics in the world, the Ramayana chronicles the tale of Rama, the prince of Ayodhya, who exiles himself to the forest for fourteen years to honour his father's word. There, Rama, his wife Sita and his brother Lakshmana meet new friends and unusual foes, with each day bringing in new challenges and adventures. But one day, when Ravana of Lanka, the king of demons, abducts Sita, it leads to an inevitable war. With the help of Hanuman and his monkey army, Rama charges into the final battle where many heroes die and new ones are born. In this fast-moving version for children, the ancient saga-with infinite stories woven in-takes on new life. With the perfect mix of drama and excitement, gods and princes, and love and war, this contemporary retelling makes for an ideal read for young readers. Told with simplicity, freshness and great vitality by Bulbul Sharma, this book has remained a perennial classic for decades.